Leadership Kansas

Educate & Motivate



Leadership Kansas is a statewide program designed to enhance and motivate future leaders from various Kansas communities. Each year, close to 500 people are nominated to apply for the program. After a thorough and thoughtful application and selection process, 40 individuals are selected to participate in the class. Leadership Kansas is dedicated to ensuring geographic, racial, occupational, and gender diversity so that each class truly represents the state.

The Training

Once selected, the class orientation emphasizes leadership skills and development. Class members meet with recognized experts from a vast array of fields and professions to engage in educational and informational training sessions in six different Kansas communities. Discussion topics are diverse and may include: business, education, agriculture, public policy, societal health and development, economics, and government — all of which contribute to the personal and professional development of each class member.


As most of the more than 1,600 Leadership Kansas alumni can attest to, graduates of the program will leave well-educated and better equipped to shoulder important leadership responsibilities in their respective communities and careers. After completing the program, graduates can participate in numerous alumni social and educational activities, as well as opportunities to help shape future Leadership Kansas programs.

Class 2015 1

The Benefits

The benefits of Leadership Kansas are as diverse as the participants. Graduates gain enhanced communication skills, creativity, exposure to future business trends, and the ability to expand their thought processes. Leadership Kansas graduates have:


  • An inclusive network of colleagues and resources;
  • A broad understanding of state and business issues; and
  • A better sense of personal leadership potential and enhanced leadership skills.


Employers of Leadership Kansas graduates acquire employees that are:


  • Connected to a diverse network of dynamic Kansas leaders;
  • Knowledgeable and capable of engaging a variety of issues at the community and state levels;
  • Energized and motivated to apply Leadership Kansas skills to organizational situations; and
  • Prepared to address the momentous issues of our day.


Successful applicants are individuals with track records of success in their professions and communities. Leadership Kansas seeks diverse applicants who are open to new ideas and viewpoints, and have a desire to strengthen their state, communities, and employers. Participation is open to all Kansas citizens.

Nomination Process

Nomination forms are sent to local and statewide groups, associations, Chamber members, elected officials and individuals. Persons not receiving nomination information are encouraged to submit the online nomination form to self-nominate or nominate other qualified persons.


Nominations are now being accepted for the 2026 Class.

Colby Goodland 013

Application and Selection Process

Once nominations have been received, the Kansas Chamber invites nominees to apply for the upcoming Leadership Kansas class. Applicants should demonstrate an increasing level of responsibility, potential for continual leadership in Kansas, and evidence of professional and personal improvement since completing their formal education. Work experience, scope of personal interests, level of community involvement, and recognition of leadership abilities through receipt of honors/awards may also have a significant impact in the selection process. Only those willing to thoughtfully and completely fill out an application, and attend and participate in all six program sessions and the initial orientation, need apply. The fee to apply is $50.


A total of 40 participants will be selected for the program. An independent committee will make the selections in March. The selection process is designed to provide a class that is representative of the diverse elements of our state.


Tuition of $3,000 per participant covers program costs and meals. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and lodging expenses. Scholarships are available — up to $1,500 per person — for those requiring financial assistance to participate in the program.


All applicants not selected for the current year’s program year may apply for a future Leadership Kansas program year.

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