07 May Leadership Kansas Names 2024 Alumnus of the Year
Topeka, KAN. – Leadership Kansas announced Monday Marty Vanier, DVM, Leadership Kansas class of 1990, has been named alumnus of the year.

Vanier is the Director of the National Agricultural Biosecurity Center. She recently served as the senior program manager for strategic partnership development for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility through an inter-agency personnel agreement between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and K-State.
“LK is stronger and more focused on its mission thanks largely to Marty’s leadership, especially these last few years as she has served as the Local Program Chair for the Manhattan session,” said Aaron Miller, Executive Director of Leadership Kansas. “On behalf of more than 1,600 LK alumni I want to thank Marty for her work and dedication to the program.”
Named for LK’s first executive director Jim Edwards, the honor recognizes an LK alumnus who is a leader in their community, supportive of LK, and whose professional accomplishments reflect positively on the LK program.
Vanier received a Bachelor of Science in agriculture (animal science) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from K-State. Upon completion of her DVM, Vanier served as science coordinator for the Animal Health Institute in Washington, D.C.
She also has served as deputy director for information and legislative affairs in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, research assistant for the Food Safety Consortium in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at K-State, executive director of the Kansas Agricultural Alliance.
She has been principal investigator for multiple NABC projects and, as director, has coordinated research teams, monitored legislative and federal agency activities, and led activities in support of relationship development between NABC and state and federal agencies, industry groups, emergency management, law enforcement, and the intelligence community.
She received the 2002, 2012, and 2014 President’s Award and the 2009 Veterinarian of the Year Award from the Kansas Veterinary Medical Association. She served as KVMA President in 2015–2016.
The announcement was made at the annual Leadership Kansas Summit in Lawrence.
For more information, contact Sherriene Jones-Sontag at [email protected].